Patrixxx in pokemon red

it was a normal day playing pokemon red on emulator until i reached lavender town
there was nobody but one man,not even nurse or caisher
the mad said something that made my crap my pants for 1 week
he said:prepare your anus,he is coming
i was thinking(he cannot match my awesome pokemon)
my pokemons were lvl 43 charizard, lvl 32 graveler,lvl 8 geodude,lvl 13 zubat and lvl 20 diglett
i went to pokemon tower and then i saw nobody but one man,he looked all hyper realistic,and he was near patrixxx which only appeared there in journal
patrixxx said: you came to challenge the hyper realisticness of this dude.if you win he will let you alone,but if you lose.when you sleep you will he will taken to semen dimension and get semen milked
then patrixx said:good luck
then the battle begun
message appeared saying:semen thief wants to battle
i sent my charizard named red(named after name of game)
he sent out winnie the perv which was level 300
i used ember and caused burn to winnie the perv.but he insta died
the same thing went on his 4 other winnie the pervs
but then he sent his best pokemon called:shiny rapey the grape
i was curious how he got rapey the grape which cannot he captured,yet it was shiny
rapey the grape used rape
making my charizard on 1 hp with effect: btht.which my mean butt hurt
then charizard died of butt pain,then all my pokemon but then i got 8 pokemons what is impossible
one was onix but with problem
he was hyper realistic,he had no eye and was shorter
i got 7 unown and they spelled:nice ass
i already died,then a message appeared
you are fucked up
i went to sleep and then i heard spooky thing coming toward me,it looked like snorlax but all white cowered in white liquid
it took me to some square looking portal where i was sitting on chair and i could not move
then 2 naked guys with milk can came,they were all hyper realistic
they said:you will be here for erternity where your semen will be milked,and he also said that aging cannot happen here
and i was milked 10 years,and yes im still stuck in this dimension and i am not allowed to move,if i did,skeleton wiil eat me,and yes i was tied to chair so i cannot escape
help me get out of this crazy place,and yes im not alone,there are lot more people around and i met about 200
this is my journal these hyper realistic guys let me to write and send to this trollpasta